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This is how you increase PROGESTERONE NATURALLY

Öka progesteron naturligt

Do you recognize symptoms such as a lot of PMS, irregular ovulation, difficulty getting pregnant or a short luteal phase (phase 3)? Then it could be that you have low progesterone. In today's blog post, we're going to dive deep into how you can increase your progesterone naturally through your lifestyle.

If you are not familiar with progesterone, we recommend you start by reading our blog post everything you need to know about progesterone .

What affects progesterone levels?

The best way to increase progesterone levels is through ovulation. It is when you ovulate properly that your body produces sufficient and optimal levels of progesterone (thanks to the corpus luteum which is the former eggshell).

If you have no ovulation, weak ovulation or irregular ovulation, it is likely that you are producing no or very low levels of progesterone. In other words, ovulation and progesterone are two sides of the same coin. No ovulation means no progesterone (at least not in sufficient amounts).

Symptoms of low progesterone

Low progesterone can be expressed in several different ways in the form of involuntary infertility, difficulties for the egg to attach to the uterine lining, repeated early miscarriages, PMS symptoms, pre-menopause and menopause symptoms, a short luteal phase (the corpus luteum dies prematurely), increased fatigue or spotting (breakthrough bleeding).

How do I increase progesterone naturally?

Progesterone and ovulation go hand in hand, so to increase your progesterone you need to do the same things as to boost ovulation . What you really need to do is create the conditions for your body to have the resources to ovulate and the space to be able to prioritize it. Below are some parts that are important to be able to ovulate and thus increase progesterone.

Review stress Stress is a real culprit when it comes to fertility, ovulation and progesterone. When the body is under stress, it will prioritize producing our stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline instead of our beloved sex hormones estrogen and progesterone.

Eat enough – The body will always prioritize survival over fertility and sex hormones. If you don't get enough energy (that is, don't eat enough) or can't absorb the nutrients in what you eat, your body won't have the resources to produce hormones or quality eggs (which in turn affects ovulation and thus your progesterone ).

Support any nutritional deficiencies – Important nutrients for fertility include B vitamins, magnesium, iron and vitamin C. If you have nutritional deficiencies, there are not enough resources (building blocks) for the body to produce hormones or your ovulation.

Stabilize your blood sugar – One of the most crucial aspects when it comes to fertility is a balanced blood sugar . A blood sugar that rides a roller coaster over time signals stress to the body. Stress and ovulation are not best friends.

Reduce stimulants Reducing external stimuli such as caffeinated drinks such as coffee, energy drinks and alcohol can be considered for a period to make the body feel safe and calm.

Do things that make you feel good - Oxytocin is a hormone that signals well-being and can help reduce stress. This hormone is secreted when touched both by ourselves and others. Being outside in nature, taking a warm bath or listening to music you love can also help you slow down and become more present. Drawing, yoga or dancing are other activities that activate the parasympathetic nervous system (where we can heal and the body can function optimally).

Movement – ​​Movement is a powerful tool for increasing our feel-good hormones. But, it is important that it is in the right dose. In order to ovulate, the body needs to feel safe and if you feel stressed (regardless of whether it is about a relationship, job or finances) then perhaps the best choice is not a hard training session, which can also be experienced as an external stress for the body .

Raise Progesterone Naturally - How Long Does It Take?

Raising your progesterone naturally is not a "quick fix". In general, it is said that it takes about 100 days for an egg to mature, which means that it can take about 3 months (three cycles) before you notice a difference from the lifestyle changes you make.

Various ways you can notice a difference are, for example, that you ovulate (even if it is weak) if you have, for example, been without it for long periods, that you have less PMS, that your luteal phase is longer (the days between ovulation and period are between 12 -16 days) or that you become pregnant. Celebrate the small changes as big victories, because they are! Good things often take time, and it's worth it. Remember to have fun along the way. You do the right things and the results will come. Have confidence in the process.


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